Change my investment profile

Have you spoken to your financial adviser?

Changing your investment profile can have a big impact on your retirement savings over the long term. Before you make a change, you can speak to one of our financial advisers (at no additional charge) to make sure it's the right choice for you. Get in touch here

My details

My KiwiSaver

Not sure what to select? See Inland Revenue   for more info.

Select your investment profile

  1. Please choose which fund you would like to invest in, nominate a combination of both funds OR select the Lifestages Auto option.
  2. If you choose to be in the Lifestages Auto option, we will automatically adjust your allocation between the SBS Wealth High Growth Fund and the SBS Wealth Income Fund based on the predetermined exposures for your age group.
  3. PIE Tax will be deducted from the fund or portfolio you switch out of, where applicable.
  4. You can switch your investment profile at any time.

    You can create your own investment profile below by selecting from one of the commonly selected investment profile mixes provided for your convenience, or you can select your own investment profile. The commonly selected mixes reflect the combinations used in the Lifestages Auto option for different age ranges.


Privacy statement

This form collects personal information about you.

In this privacy policy, the terms "we", "us" and "our" refer to SBS Wealth Limited ("SBS Wealth") and/or our parent SBS Bank. The information collected will be used by SBS Wealth, and SBS Bank (collectively, the "Bank") for purposes relating to:

  • The administration, operation, management, and marketing of the SBS Wealth KiwiSaver Scheme, including but not limited to enabling decisions to be made regarding this form;
  • Accessing any database (including, without limitation, the New Zealand Transport Agency's database of driver licences and the Department of Internal Affair's database of passports) to verify identity information; 
  • Marketing goods and services provided by the Bank and its assignees or subsidiaries; 
  • Communicating with you, including by way of email and other electronic or social media means, in connection with administering, financing, insuring or enforcing your accounts and any other product or service provided by the Bank to you;
  • Providing you with customer support; or
  • Enabling any party involved in your investments with us to discharge their respective administrative and regulatory obligations.

By completing this form you authorise us to access any of your contact details that may be held by SBS Bank. Personal information is collected and stored by the Bank or its agents. We will take reasonable steps to protect personal information that is held by us from unauthorised access, use, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.

Your information will be held by the Bank at the address set out in the current Product Disclosure Statement for the SBS Wealth KiwiSaver Scheme, and may be disclosed:

  • To Trustees Executors Limited ("Supervisor");
  • To your adviser and any other person we recognise as having an interest in your investments with us;
  • To related companies of SBS Wealth, including SBS Bank and its subsidiaries or any assignees or potential assignees;
  • To Inland Revenue;
  • Where required by law;
  • As otherwise authorised by you; or
  • Where relevant for any of the purposes above.

We will not disclose your personal information to third parties except in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020 and as set out in this privacy policy.

We are bound by, and comply with, the Privacy Act 2020. Under the Privacy Act 2020, you have the right to access and to request correction of any personal information about you held by the Bank and/or the Supervisor.

You may request access to, or correction of, any personal information we hold about you by emailing our privacy officer at or, if you have an account login, by using a facility on the website that allows you to access and correct personal information we hold about you. To ensure that the information we hold about you is accurate and current, please notify us of any changes to such information as soon as possible.

We reserve the right, at our discretion, to alter this privacy policy at any time. Changes to this privacy policy will take effect immediately once they are published on the Bank's website.

Member declaration

  1. I have received a copy of the current PDS for the Scheme and have read it in full;
  2. I understand that units will only be allocated for a contribution or other amount received effective on the valuation date
    when the relevant amount is received by SBS Wealth Limited ("SBS Wealth"), and understand that contributions made through Inland Revenue may be subject to delay before receipt by SBS Wealth;
  3. I acknowledge that neither the Supervisor, SBS Wealth, SBS Bank or any other person will be liable to me for any loss as a consequence of my choice of investment strategy, my choice to invest through the Lifestages Auto option, or any choice of investment strategy I make in the future, and that my investment in the Scheme is not guaranteed by any person;
  4. I acknowledge that SBS Wealth's sole obligation with respect to contributions made to the Scheme by or in respect of me is to apply the contributions received in accordance with the trust deed for the Scheme and the KiwiSaver Act 2006, that there is no contractual arrangement between my employer(s) (if any) and SBS Wealth as to the payment of employer contributions, and that SBS Wealth are under no obligation to verify the appropriateness of the amount of any contribution received;
  5. I have read the information set out above under the heading "Privacy" and authorise the use of my personal information in the manner set out under that heading;
  6. I acknowledge that my investment in the Scheme is subject to fees and charges, as set out in the current PDS for the Scheme (or as subsequently varied);
  7. I declare that all the information contained in this form is true and correct and acknowledge responsibility for its accuracy whether the information was written by me or another person;
  8. I understand that where I have invested in both investment funds, values may change at a different rate. I also understand that SBS Wealth will automatically rebalance my allocations between investment funds back to my selected investment profile on an annual basis and I authorise SBS Wealth to undertake such rebalancing;
  9. I understand that where I have selected the Lifestages Auto option SBS Wealth will automatically adjust my allocation between investment funds based on predetermined exposures for my age group, and I authorise SBS Wealth to make such adjustments.
    I also understand that SBS Wealth may change the Lifestages Auto option age ranges and fund exposures at any time. If this occurs, my allocations will be adjusted accordingly;
  10. I understand that if I do not select a fund, a combination of both funds, or the Lifestages Auto option my contributions will be invested in the SBS Wealth Income Fund (the Scheme’s default fund);
  11. I acknowledge that investments in the Scheme do not constitute bank deposits or liabilities of SBS Bank and that SBS Bank does not stand behind the capital value and performance of the securities;
  12. By supplying my email address, I consent to receiving all forms of communication from SBS Wealth or the Supervisor regarding the Scheme via email. This will include investment updates, transaction statements, annual PIE tax statements, personalised statements and news of investor events. I also consent to receiving a web link (World Wide Web uniform resource locater ("URL")) for access to electronic copies of the Scheme’s annual report; and
  13. I authorise and consent to SBS Wealth accessing my details on any electronic or physical database (including, without limitation, the New Zealand Transport Agency’s database of driver licences and the Department of Internal Affairs database of passports) for the purpose of verifying any identity information I have provided as required by this Form.