Investor Update

Investor Update January 2024

15 January, 2024

CEO Update

Welcome to 2024!  

As we step into this brand-new year, it's a wonderful opportunity to reflect on our aspirations and set meaningful goals.  It's also the perfect time to contemplate what we want to achieve, how we wish to grow, and the paths we aim to explore.  Welcome to a year of possibilities, welcome to 2024! 

After a big finish for the High Growth Fund last year, which delivered stellar performance thanks to a strong run by share markets and our expert investment team, it’s a great time to make sure you’re getting the most out of your KiwiSaver by taking advantage of the financial advice we offer all members, at no extra charge. To find out more, check out the section below on “Mastering your finances in the New Year.” 


Morne Redgard



Performance Data

The Lifestages Auto Options invest in combinations of the Lifestages High Growth Fund and the Lifestages Income Fund in proportions that vary in accordance with pre-selected age bands. These options automatically adjust the risk profile of your investment by altering the proportions invested into the funds based on your age. 

Performance as at 31 December 2023. 

Fund Option 1M 1Y 5Y pa
High Growth Fund 4.02% 19.89% 9.22%
Auto 0-49 Option 4.02% 19.89% 9.22%
Auto 50-54 Option 3.67% 16.92% 7.64%
Auto 55-59 Option 3.31% 13.98% 6.00%
Auto 60-64 Option 2.96% 11.08% 4.32%
Auto 65+ Option 2.79% 9.65% 3.15%
Income Fund 2.26% 5.42% 0.90%


For more information about how performance is calculated and more performance periods, click here.


Market Update

2023 was a good reminder that staying invested in your appropriate risk profile, and continuing to regularly contribute to your account, regardless of the short-term outlook, is a prudent investment plan. Time in the market is better than timing the market. 

The strong fourth quarter meant the 2023 annual returns for the Scheme were very impressive, with the High Growth Fund having a very strong year up 19.9%. 

Investments markets finished strongly in 2023 as recession and future interest rate hikes fears reduced. The catalyst for the strong returns were the big tech stocks in the US, massive AI advancements and semi-conductor demand. 

The investments in all asset classes performed well, with our local share market returning 4% in December, with the late rally in companies like Auckland International Airport, Summerset, and Precinct Properties, offsetting the drawdowns earlier in 2023. Further afield, the Australian share market returned 8% for December, thanks to the likes of Fortescue, Macquarie, and CSL. 

Fixed interest within the Income Fund continued its rally from November, up 3% in December, locally and globally. 

Mastering your finances in the New Year

Welcome to a fresh start!

As we step into 2024, it's a great time to take a look at our finances and set clear goals for the year ahead. The journey to financial wellbeing begins with a well-thought-out plan and informed decision-making.  

Here's how you can take charge of your finances this year. 

Set clear objectives

What are your financial goals for 2024? Is it saving for a first home, building a nest egg, or perhaps reducing debt? Clearly defining your goals is the first step towards achieving them.

Review and adjust your plans

The new year is a prime time to look over your financial plan. Are your savings and investments aligned with your current goals? Consider any recent changes in your life and how they might impact your financial plans.

Consider increasing your savings

While it may not be easy with current economic conditions, boosting your savings rate can have a substantial impact over time. Even small increments can add up, especially when compounded over several years.

Get the basics right

KiwiSaver provides a great basis for most long-term and first home planning in New Zealand. Making sure it’s set up to work for your personal situation can add significant value to your financial plan...with very little effort! 

We can help

Navigating financial decisions can be complex, but you don't have to do it alone. Our advice team is here to help you make informed choices about your Lifestages KiwiSaver Scheme settings. And at no additional cost for Lifestages members! 

Get in touch with our digital advice team today and let's make 2024 a year of smart planning and financial growth! 

Get in touch