Your KiwiSaver questions answered

KiwiSaver FAQs

Top up your KiwiSaver knowledge


Read what our adviser, fund managers and other investing experts have to say about getting the best from KiwiSaver.

buying my first home

How can I use my KiwiSaver to buy my first home?

Buying your first home is a massive milestone and one that KiwiSaver is specifically designed to help you achieve. Read more

govt contributions

Government contributions; making the most of KiwiSaver

Each year, the New Zealand Government contributes up to $521. 43 to your KiwiSaver account, if you meet specific criteria. Read more

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You just can't beat talking to a real person. Come have a chat with our real investment advisers, at no additional charge.  We have experts in providing advice situated throughout New Zealand, as well as a digital team available online.


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